Gain actionable insights with commercial real estate analytics.

Get unique information about transactions properties, ownerships, tenants, essential documentation and so much more.
All in one intuitive platform.
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Get the complete picture.

Aerial view

Efficiently navigate the map to get a bird's eye view of potential prospects.

Intelligent Search

Explore any properties, owners and tenants with our intelligent search engine.

Updated Market Info

See the latest updates in the commercial real estate market.

Detailed Info

Open any property and access all the information you need.
It has never been easier getting up to date. Just Navigate!

Improve your workflow with unified data.

We collect, process and unify data from selected sources and make it readily available for you to explore.

Turn data into opportunities.

Newsec Maps makes it easy finding new tenants and investment opportunities.
Looking for tenants? It's straight forward finding tenants fitting the criteria defined by any owner.
In our platform you can easily identify and evaluate prospects suited for any investment strategy.
Hidden in the data, revealed by Newsec Maps.

Big data. In bite-sized chunks.

It's hard enough knowing your neighbor, but knowing entire districts and areas is a pain. With Newsec Maps you can access information about multiple properties and bigger areas.
Find the needle in the haystack. See all owners, leaseholders and tenants with their financials, move-in dates and tons more.
Become an industry expert in any region with the click of a button.

Front row access to exclusive market information.

Up to date market data is hard to come by. With our proprietary market data from Newsec, get access to unique information
Bryan F
@bry4n • Sept 2
“Before using Stack we just couldn’t get our act together - productivity was low and the place was a mess. After Stack we became MVP of our field. 💪🏽💪🏽”
Jo Howard
@j0howard • Sept 2
“I won’t mince words, Stack is 100% legit. Our workflow has been supercharged by the plethora of design options and the attnetion to detail is seriously next-level. GET INTO IT.”
Kath Hodge
@khodge3 • Sept 2
“What was especially amazing was the breadth of the design. This isn’t just one or two basic pages, it covers all the bases and allows us to launch fully realised websites faster than ever. ✌️”
Connor P.
@gitit_2day • Sept 2
Without Stack we would still be managing things the bad old way: wasting time, missing deadlines and finger-pointing. No more! Pivot has saved our business. 💰
Joan S.
@sikchik57 • Sept 2
At first we were using templates solely to mock up designs for clients, but the design of Stack was so strong that the client demanded we keep it.

Book a demo now.

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